Dispersion Technology, Inc. was established in 1996 by Philip Goetz, its Chairman and Dr. Andrei Dukhin, its President (see biography article: ).
Scientific instrumentation for heterogeneous system characterization is a major business area. DTI has developed and is currently marketing a family of instruments based on ultrasound for characterizing particle size distribution, zeta potential, rheology, solid content, porosity, in concentrated dispersions such as CMP slurries, nano-dispersions, ceramic slurries, battery slurries, cements, pharmaceutical emulsions, etc, and in porous bodies.
These instruments are protected with 7 USA patents. Our participation in ISO lead to issuing a Standard on Acoustic particle sizing and Standard on zeta potential measurement. We have 2 editions of a scientific book published in the leading publishing house for science literature – Elsevier. We have published several reviews and dozens of scientific papers. Our customers have published 56 scientific papers representing results obtained with our instruments.
We have about 500 instruments installed in the USA, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, UK, South Korea, Singapore, Brazil, China, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Austria, Swiss, Italy, Spain, France, Check Rep., England, Mexico, Columbia, Kuwait, Australia, South Africa.
DTI currently has market representatives with dedicated agencies in Japan, China, Russia, SE Asia, Europe, Brazil, Canada, Taiwan.
There is no financial debt. Company was profitable from the very first year.
Dispersion Technology manufactures instrumentation in collaboration with several very specialized suppliers. Many subassemblies used in the instrument are fabricated by these suppliers allowing us to utilize the latest manufacturing technologies including six layer printed circuit boards, surface mounted parts, robot assembly, automatic test, numerically controlled machines, etc. without the huge investment in machinery and resultant high overhead which would normally be experienced. As a result we can easily ramp up production to meet demand. This new approach becomes available because of modern communications. Email eliminates need in paper drawings and speeds up all design and troubleshooting. We only do final assembly and test at our facilities, which then makes it possible for us to concentrate our efforts on developing new applications, writing software, and marketing.
DT occupies about 3,000 square feet of office and laboratory space in Bedford Hills, NY. We are located within walking distance of the Bedford Hills Train station, a convenient one hour from New York City by train. A Holiday Inn is located within walking distance to accommodate overnight guests and several good restaurants and coffee shops are within a short walk.
Our physical chemistry laboratory is used for customer demonstrations as well as applications work related to marketing these acoustic instruments. Our physical-chemical laboratory contains everything for characterizing colloidal systems including hoods, glassware, heaters, stirrers, balances, pH meters, high power sonicators, centrifuge, high temperature oven, microscopes, viscometers, reometers, pyncnometers, microelectrophoresis instruments, etc.
We have a small prototype shop useful for experimenting with new designs, including such items as drill presses, bandsaw, grinder, as well as the normal complement of hand tools.
Our Assembly area is used to prepare computers for shipment, load and test software, do final assembly and calibration of the complete instrument, and perform reliability testing prior to shipment. Virtually all of the equipment to test an instrument is built into the instrument itself along with the required automatic test software. Nevertheless, we do have a complement of standard electronics test equipment including such items as oscilloscopes, waveform generators, digital voltmeters, etc.