Tannas Company and King Refrigeration claim proud membership in the Savant Group of companies. The Savant Group comprises four multi-faceted companies offering unique specialty services in the field of lubricant development and analyses. Affiliated companies include Savant Laboratories (an independent testing laboratory, research and consulting firm) and the Institute of Materials (IOM). The four companies have served the many needs of the lubricant and oil industry over the last 45 years.
The Savant Group of companies now enjoys its second generation of family ownership. The organization began in 1969 by Theodore W. Selby as a materials consulting firm with an emphasis on lubrication.
In 1973, in response to the growing need for independent laboratory facilities to complement his consulting activities, Mr. Selby opened a small, limited laboratory for the testing and evaluation of lubricants, particularly as they relate to the transportation industry.
Through the intervening years, the laboratory grew to become a model laboratory for the industry, renowned for its ability to develop ways to meet unique client requests, and for its commitment to quality data and timeliness of reporting. Consequently, several test methods, as well as unique instrumentation, have been developed in Savant Laboratories and those now represent accepted standards of the industry.
Aware of the ever-present need in the mechanized world for continuous development of instruments and methods to aid in formulation and quality assessment of lubricants, the Tannas Co. began in 1981 as the manufacturing and marketing arm of the instrument developments from Savant Laboratories.
Now recognized as a global manufacturer and marketer of highly specialized laboratory instruments for lubricant and chemical testing, Tannas continues to develop instruments as the petroleum and lubrication industries expand.
Notable Tannas instruments and tests that are patented and included in international engine oil specifications are:
- the Tapered Bearing Simulator Viscometer (TBS™),
- the Quantum® Oxidation Tester,
- the Scanning Brookfield low temperature pumpability test,
- the Thin Film Oxidation Uptake Test (TFOUT), and
- the Thermo-oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test (TEOST).
Tannas manufactures high quality, high precision instruments carefully assembled by in-house craftsmen. Each instrument we manufacture is fully commissioned by a Tannas Certified Engineer.
Tannas employees are known for excellence and the unique ability to envision and forecast future industry trends to provide the most precise and reliable measuring techniques possible. Our people understand the needs and opportunities within various technical fields, and they open new frontiers of understanding with Tannas' instruments. Our people, our passion, and our precision help distinguish our instruments within the petroleum and chemical industries.
For over 35 years, Tannas’ dedication to excellent customer service contributed to our worldwide recognition and sales throughout North and South America, Europe, Africa, North and South East Asia, China, and the Middle East. Purchasers of our instruments include oil producers, blenders, additive companies, independent testing laboratories, automotive manufacturers, educational institutions, and others involved in the oil and lubricant industry.